We are still working on Chromatic greys and perspective in class this week. Our homework is to finish the paintings we started in class on Wednesday.
So, yeah...it looks like a pile of lame. It's mostly an exercise, but, I hope once I finish it, I can give it some life and create some interest. I was thrilled to have actually mixed some good greys this time.
I was all proud of my lemon paintings, and I have a tendency to want my stuff to be the best in class (which is totally, totally awful of me). I was thinking how good I was at this. I'm really doing it...I CAN paint!! Then, my friend Brian who sits next to me pulls his out and my heart sank. His were absolutely awesome. So dimensional, so alive.
I guess I've got so much to learn. I'm actually really glad he sits next to me. He's such a good painter and it's good for me to see how he does it.
I've got SO far to go...
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