I got out my painting gear right after and took out my awful paintings from class the last week. Wednesdays had to be finished, and Mondays had to be fixed.
He's Mondays painting before:

And after:

I could not get a handle on the greys when I did this painting originally. I had the forms down, but the greys were atrocious. I Adding a backgroud helped me define the spaces better and toning down some of the values brought more life to the painting. Still...not my best work in any way, but an improvement that will show in my portfolio (that gets turned in soon!!)
The next thing I did was finish wednesdays value study of boxes. It was a little confusing to have to finish a piece without the subject matter for reference, but, I took my knowledge of perspctive, and fixed some errant angles. I am struggling with my backgrounds- I can't seem to make them recede enough to look like...well...BACKgrounds. I hope Heike (my professor)will approve.

Now I have to prime a few sheets of Bristol and I'll be ready for the week!!
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