We are still talking about color theory, but she's trying to keep us painting constantly. I freaking love it. I seriously live for these two days a week.
The first painting we did was a 10 minute painting of a primary colored still life.

Last semester in my drawing class, there was a classmate who's work was constantly compared with mine. I think we are at a similar skill level (though he may be a bit ahead of me, really), but our approach is opposite! His drawing were very dark, very rough. Accurate, but bold. My drawing were accurate, but light, and smooth.
This semester- we sit next to each other and are finding the same thing with out paintings!! Fascinating!! His style is much more impressionistic- no lines, bold choices of color, whereas my paintings are sketch-like. I should try and take a picture of our still life's side by side. Very cool.
For this next painting we had an hour. I think I ruined it with the back ground. It's not technically done, in my eyes. The oranges through me for a loop- it was hard to get the reds right. Shadows on red are really hard to do- I could not get the right tones. And next time, I'm bringing my giant masonite clipboard so I can paint upright- my angles are BAD and the bottles are crooked. Ugh.

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