These were hard to do in our 10 minute painting- I really only blocked out the one I chose to paint. I'd have loved more time!!!

Then she had us do a long painting in just grey scale of the usual simple forms. This was interesting- I thought it'd be easier to do than color. There was less mixing, but much more care was needed in differentiating the value scale. I'm not done with this- I'm going to scumble in the rest of the background before I have to turn in my portfolio. I'm pretty pleased with how I did, though. The bottle in the foreground needs help, but, the values are good- so I wont touch it.

All in all it's more good practice thats really increasing my skills. I'm eating it up. And did I mention my non-sexual crush on my professor? I freaking love her!!!
Check out this old picture of me:

I remember thinking I looked really ugly here. (I was about 15...) Guess what? I was WRONG. Holy Crap. When did I get old? Ok, enough vanity. I was thinking of drawing this because of the nice values. Maybe I will...if I'm going to screw something up, it may as well be my OWN face!!
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