Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Figure Drawing class #3

Last night was our first night drawing with a model.

We warmed up first doing a few gestures of our professor until the model arrived. I quickly remembered how much I love gesture drawing!!

Once the model was in place, we started with several one minute poses, then progressed in 5 minutes focusing on the torso sometimes, and sometimes just the legs and feet.

One minute gesture:

Five minute:

Then at the end we did a 20 minute pose of the model in a chair. This was the hardest thing for me- I have a love/hate thing with chairs. This was the only one where I struggled with the proportions. This was my least successful drawing of the evening.

I look forward to more of this-- so good for me!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Figure Drawing Homework

This is the first assignment for my Figure Drawing class at Folsom Lake College. We had to draw a human-sized skeleton and label the bones from a list she gave us.

At first, it was a bit daunting to have to know all the places all the bones connected. It wasn't clear in some places. I draw it human-size, but, I traced Violet (who's six..and a bit skeletal herself!!), making this a more managable size.

Here's the initial drawing:

I taped the paper on our sliding glass door to draw.

After I was satisfied with the pencil drawing, I colored the bones with colored pencils.

I had to be careful to check and cross-check that I had them right. Some illustrations are different than others- which was frustrating.

Next, I went over it with pen...hatching and cross hatching for a very long time.

And I JUST finished...with about an hour before I need to leave for class. Phew!!

Tonight we have our first live model!! I am positively GIDDY!!!

When preference and trend come together.

I had to laugh today when I opened my email and saw what Who What Wear had on their site. I've been addicted to denim shirts since I was in Junior high. I like denim in all manifestations with the exception of denim shoes...I can't do that. I have several denim or denim-ish dresses and shirts. This "trend" is easy as pie for me. I love how they show you how to use a denim shirt as though you can't just put it on with absolutely everything.

Seriously- leggings and denim shirt. Jeans and denim shirt. Dress with denim shirt over it. Olive green chinos with denim shirt. Denim shirt over little black dress. It's easy.

The only thing I would say is NOT easy it finding a denim shirt that doesn't swallow you up and look dumpy. I have a nice one (thats actually chambray) from the Gap similar to this. I also just picked up a nice heavy one by Ralph Lauren at the thrift store for $2.75.

I guess it makes me sound old to say things like this, and I guess that's true. It just goes to prove that anything anyone likes to wear will probably eventually become the hot "new" thing.

Friday, August 27, 2010

New music!!

My new music obsession?

Mountain Man

Seriously, how did this band get started without me in it? I can't believe I'm not the only person who loves this sort of music! I'm so happy...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Back to class...this time, two!!

It's not like its full time or anything, but it kind of feels like it. I'm taking two whole classes this semester- Figure Drawing, and Intermediate Painting.

Figure Drawing is the class that made me go back to school. I've always, always wanted to take it. I love drawing people and I'm very drawn to figurative paintings. I knew the course had pre-requisites, so, I started from the beginning as I've probably mentioned before.

And here I am, taking it!! I have only been to two classes so far, so, we haven't really bitten into the subject yet. We have our first model on monday!! I can't wait!! I'm not sure about the ethics of posting my work on here...I'd be ok with it, and I'm guessing the model wouldn't model if they cared about their likenesses being shared? Hmmm...

The other class is Painting, or as I'm calling it- Intermediate painting. It's not beginning painting- it advanced. I don't have the pre-req. for it, but I'm challenging it. I really feel like it'll be a great class for me, especially after reading today's syllabus. It looks like we'll be doing a lot of abstract work, which is something I really want to challenge myself in.

I need a voice!! You have no idea how many way this can be translated in my life. Of course right now I'm referring to artistic expression. I can paint you. I can paint a tree. Apparently I can paint dogs. But in an empty room, with a head full of ideas? Nothing materializes in front of me. I haven't a clue what to paint.

I know there are ideas I'd love to express, themes and images that inspire me- but, I don't feel I have what it takes to get it on the canvas yet. This is the direction I'm hoping to go.

I need to draw more- LOTS more. I need to make it a daily discipline. I think I will start posting my daily stuff- perhaps not a daily post, but photos of the daily drawing I do. This will be tough for me, but I see the value in it.

I've been doing a lot of research for my novel, again. (I can hear the groans of the audience). I know, I know...the never ending novel I think I'm writing...

National Novel Writing Month will be here before we know it and guess what? I'm NOT going to write the same book for the 4th time. I'm going to start from scratch. No ideas...just crazy typing and complete raw ideas.

In the mean time, I'm in love with research. Its giving solid legs to some of the themes of my novel, and its fleshing out the characters. I thought I had all this stuff, and now I realize I only had a rough sketch- a gesture drawing of these people and this story.

What else...

I've been doing a lot of singing with Hickory Wind this summer. I am really enjoying the music! And singing seems to be part of me I can't ignore. I'm constantly surprised when people say I sound good. Do you hear that, family and friends? SOME people don't consider it torture when I sing!! (of course, they don't have to hear it on the phone, in the car or randomly at the mall or something...) I love that microphone.

I bought Converse sneakers- a strange thing for me to do because I tend to turn my nose up at sneaker-wearers. I'm kind of digging them- I really just broke one of my sandals and I can't really wear heels to school and it's not boot-time yet

Back to class, back to blogging---out of the lazy fog of summer. Fall is much, much more exciting!!