At first, it was a bit daunting to have to know all the places all the bones connected. It wasn't clear in some places. I draw it human-size, but, I traced Violet (who's six..and a bit skeletal herself!!), making this a more managable size.
Here's the initial drawing:

I taped the paper on our sliding glass door to draw.
After I was satisfied with the pencil drawing, I colored the bones with colored pencils.

I had to be careful to check and cross-check that I had them right. Some illustrations are different than others- which was frustrating.
Next, I went over it with pen...hatching and cross hatching for a very long time.

And I JUST finished...with about an hour before I need to leave for class. Phew!!

Tonight we have our first live model!! I am positively GIDDY!!!
such an amazing job, C!