Seriously. DO IT. Everyone else is. It will make a man out you.
I've been alternately washing clothes and obsessing over Grok Music and iTunes looking for new music to inspire me. I need a new soundtrack.
Last year, music became a fixation of about 7 songs. Everyday these songs played- imprinted on my psyche, annoying the crap out of anyone within listening distance. This had much to do with Blood Freckles, my...ahem...Novel. (so weird to say that....very presumptuous) I was forever feeling out these songs, squeezing every possible emotion out of every measure for words, descriptions, etc. I pretty much fleshed out my characters to these songs.
The songs, as I think I'd mentioned on Fruit of my Daydreams were these:
The Giant of Illinois- from Dark was the Night by Andrew Bird
Track 1- from "()", Sigur Ros
Your Protector- Fleet Foxes
Mimizan- Beirut
So Real- Jeff Buckley
Flightless Bird, American Mouth- Iron and Wine (which was ruined by Twilight but, still completely THE song for this story)
My ears cringe at these now from over-use, though I still love them. They will be forever applied to the scenes in my book.
I'm looking for who-knows-what, now. Just songs to lead me into the screenplay I want to write in April for Script Frenzy- aptly named, The Brightest of Wallflowers. It will be a story in which I dump all my bitterness and angst towards being a girl. Just for fun (bitterness and angst=fun). I'm not expecting it to be anything profound. I'm just looking for a good time in writing. The title came to me in a few different versions- The Best Wallflower, the Prettiest Wallflower, whatever. Obviously pertaining to my lifelong fear of being ignored- a fear that eeks into most of my art and daily thoughts.
I've purchased one album today- He Poos Clouds by Final Fantasy. Eclectic, surprisingly substantial musically (as though I'm qualified to judge). I have a list here of other things I want to purchase- Rachel Yamagata, Camera Obscura, and perhaps the new Harry Potter score.
I listen to film scores whilst writing fantasy and they lend towards my visions of battle, giant birds and super powers. My current favorite tracks for fantastical inspiration? Here- I'll let you into my utter nerdery (since you are my captive audience):
Shooting Star- from Stardust by Andy Brown, Ilan Eshkeri and the London Metropolitan Orchestra
Buckbeaks Flight- (which always manages to actually choke me up)from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by John Williams
The White Tree- Lord of the Ring:Return of the King, by Howard Shore
The White Rider-Lord of the Rings:Two Towers by Howard Shore (Gandalf riding off on Shadowfax....such wondrous stuff...)
Harry in Winter, and The Story Begins- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, by Patrick Doyle
And not a film score but fantastical, though a tad overplayed thanks to freaking Guitar Hero:
Knights of Cydonia by Muse. That sound freaks my brain out in such good ways.
Ah...Ovaltine in my Peets Coffee, nerdy music, fake lives, and laundry. What a day!!! Now if only I could draw something brilliant....
Look at my goofy face. I'm commenting on my own blog again. I think that is the first sign of Schizophrenia.