There is something special about a physical book.
Matt got a Kindle this year and likes it. I have to say, I'm a tad jealous of it, though I think if I had one, I'd definitely lose it or bust it. That's just my style.
There's something sort of sad about it, though. Who doesn't love the smell and the heft of a brand new book. Or the feel of the worn pages in a classic you picked up at the library book sale. The sound of the pages turning, the glossy cover, the artwork...it's all part of the magic of reading.
I was reminded of this yesterday. I'm trying to move onto other projects, but I just keep going back to Blood Freckles, opening Scrivener. Flipping through it. Making sure its all still there. (I have this chronic fear of it all getting erased)
It occurred to me that seeing it on the screen wasn't good enough. I always print out my NaNo novels, I don't know why I hadn't done this one. Our printer is broken, so I called Matt and asked him if he could do it.
I thought he'd forgotten, but last night before bed, he handed me this half-ream of paper (not really half a ream, but, whatever).
Its always so amazing about seeing it all printed. Especially knowing this is the first draft I've ever written that I feel hopeful about. I don't hate this story. I'm obsessed with it.
I took this same picture last year with last years Blood Freckles Draft-the one that STINKS. This is the one I've got my money on...now to dig in with my red pen and an open mind and mark it all up.
Meanwhile, I'm conceptualizing my Screenplay for Script Frenzy in April- trying to form characters and a setting that sets off the feeling I'm looking for. Also, in the back of my head I'm constantly worldbuilding for my next NaNoWriMo book..(sigh). Matt wants to start writing songs for February Album Writing Month.
Yes, there IS a writing challenge for each month of the year..in case you wondered.
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