I went Saturday to get a real haircut. I LOVED what she did. I even liked how she styled it. But then...I had to do it myself and guess what? I can't!! I look like I've got a mullet. I'm pretty frustrated. Heres what it looked like the day she did it:

Then this morning:

And now it's all flat and gross and not cute. I'm letting it go...I guess I need a round brush, and curling iron to do it like she did. But I don't always want to HAVE to fix my hair. Thats SO not me. I'm more of a shower and then brush it person. Oh well.

We took a look at all the still life paintings we did last week using the Grisaille technique. Very cool. I love seeing everyones all together!!

Today we did an impasto of the same series. It's fun! I was surprised to actually be able to work with the texture. I'm not sure I'll always paint this way- it takes SO much paint and gel medium. My homework is to finish it.
I do love everyone's interpretation of things. Even though its the same subject we're all painting, each person infuses their own personality into it. I got one of my class mates to let me show you hers. She's got a definite style- I can't wait to see her's finished. I'm surrounded by people who paint this way- my friend who sits next to me does brilliant work. I'll have to sneak a picture of his, too. So, here's Tricias:

Ok, lastly. On the National Novel Writing Month forum, there was a thread where you could post your novel so it could be read by some willing person, and I got one!! She just finished it and emailed me a few questions and ideas. I really wanted someone to rip it apart- even tell me I'm a hack. But, she said it was interesting, and there were just some missing facts that confused her. She even liked my cheesy ending. Maybe I'll keep it. Feedback makes me so happy.
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