Today was pretty cool!!
I'd read in Artists magazine about Grisaille- and technique in which you make an underpainting in neutral tones, then build into the real color of the subject through layers of glaze. It was interesting to me because I tend to like to build up my pieces- which is why I love pencil drawing so much.
Painting is slightly more committal, except in this sense. It allows to to block out the forms and get a sense of the value shapes.
We used the same forms as we used for the pear paintings last week, except this time, we were to use greys for the underpainting. I wish I'd had my camera- I'd have taken a shot of just the underpainting which was comprised in my case of various neutral blue/green/brown tones.
What you see here is the underpainting, with the first layer of yellow glaze on the bananas and lemons.
It's very water color-esque at the moment. I can't wait until Wednesday when I can keep going with this!!!
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