I worked on the pears painting yesterday. I tried to get the pears to be more grounded. It was hard without the still life in front of me. Ordinarily, I'd say a form is darkest where it meets the surface it sits on- that would certainly bind it to the picture plane. But a lot of times, theres a sliver of reflected light at that point coming form either behind the form or the light source bouncing off whatever it sits on. I'm not sure in this case without looking at it.

Oh well, I went back in and added more red to the pears and blended the shadows on the tablecloth. Then I added a second coat to the background, which I *hope* is effective.
Our portfolio is due tomorrow- which means we have to compile everything we've done so far, in order, completed and pretty. She also want's us to choose our top 3 pieces to discuss in class. I think for me, I will be the pears.
The first of the all white still live's I went back and fixed, because, while it's certainly not perfect, I achieved an atmosphere in this that I'd been unable to do in the past.

And perhaps, my quick study of the metal pipe. I like the way it's laid out, I liked my color choices, and I just think it was a fun composition.

We pick, and then she also picks and tells us why she made her choices. I love scutiny!!!
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