An now I will bore you with the details of that statement.
I told you in past posts that we have been looking at books on abstract and expressionist painters. Well now, it's fueled an obsession to gather as many books and websites about these artists as possible. My Amazon cart is out of control. Anyone wanna give me $200 to buy art books? :) (I didn't think so...)
We talked about one yesterday who REALLY captured my attention- Max Beckmann. Here's one example of some of his work:

We are talking about how artists study other artists work and draw on that study to start compositions of their own. Now, judging by my compositions from yesterday- I need to study more!!
It's more of the problem that I don't know what my voice is yet. I am still trying to learn how to paint in general and can't wait until I can see myself come out in something truly original. I know it's still a long ways away.
We had to do three paint-sketches of possible compositions. We are abstracting our still life paintings from the previous week. At least- partially, until next week when we go completely non-representative.

And heres what happened on the canvas (or, in my case...big piece of masonite):

Ugh.'s following the assignment. It's just...saying nothing. I feel nothing. I am beginning to hate bananas. *deep Breath*
Here's how I ended class:

I'm learning. It doesn't have to be awesome. It's a process. This isn't who I's part of who I'm going to be.
On a side note, I have this obsession with taking pictures of my palette. I love what happened on there....can I get this on my canvas?

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