I've been going to the library again. I didn't go for a long time just because I was busy and pre-occupied and...I don't know, I just didn't.
Since I don't have a class on Wed. mornings, I've been going to story time. While Scarlets listening, I wander around, picking up books until my bag is full.
Last Wednesday, I was looking and talking to the librarian. She came up and pulled a few books off the shelf. One was The Four Agreements. Whats so weird is, that very morning I was on NPR's website and had read about this book. I tend to feel like I'm meant to read it, though I've seen it hundreds of times. I am not drawn to self-help books or stuff like this- but when a librarian pulls it off a shelf and puts it in your bag for you without asking-- you read it. It's on your plan. What am I supposed to get out of this book?
I've been doing so much writing research lately! I know I've already said that. I really love doing it. It's kind of weird trying to find information about schizophrenia, mental institutions and bullet trajectory. I like it, though. Its hard information- some very unpleasant things to ponder. But like pencil drawing- there must be dark for the light to be bold enough. This story lacked dimension, reality and grit. I'm trying to get that now.
Ah the pursuit of wisdom...
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