Ok, I'm in over my head.
I mean...I'm not. But I feel like I am.
By nature, I'm pretty lazy. I'm pretty scared to challenge anyone or anything. I'm not a fighter. I don't want to put myself out there.
This is why I failed in college. I gave up when the time came to take on something hard. I wasn't being handed any favors and I was going to have to work real hard to keep progressing. I'd have to take some tough criticism and be willing to fail in front of a lot of people. But I wasn't...so I left.
Fast forward to now...I'm in this class, and the Fall catalog came out for the next semester. I only have a few options for what I can take in September. With the kids and preschool and stuff, I have only a narrow window of time that I can take a class. I can't commute to the city, I'm limited to the Folsom campus or the El Dorado Center. And they have limited classes.
My first choice is Figure drawing, but it's in Folsom, 2 nights a week. And it overlaps with Matt's schedule.
My next choice is Intermediate Painting. The funny thing is, it's with the SAME professor I've been having. I LOVE her, but I'm kind of embarassed to take another one of her classes.
Also, the class has a pre-requisite that I don't have. I assumed I could ask the professor and see if she could let me in- but she can't. She suggests I challenge the pre-requisite. I have to get a form, and submit my portfolio to the Board (of something...i'm not sure...) and get them to let me take it. This makes me nervous as hell. I'll do it, though. Because I am an adult.
I must do this before my appointment with my counselor before April 22nd.
Also, I'm applying for a scholarship. This means I have to photograph 6 works, write an essay about how I will contribute to the art world and obtain 2 letters of recomendation from people who are not related to me. The deadline is April 15th.
Also, I am supposed to submit 2 pieces to the student show- deadline is April 18th.
My term paper is also due this monday. I have to get to a gallery, find an exposition, critique a painting in 2000 words or less.
I need to keep my brain on.
I'm also doing Script Frenzy.
I'm not telling you what I'm doing because its too embarrassing.
Which means...you know what I'm doing. I'm doing what I said I shouldn't do because it would be stupid.
Shut up. I'm a dork.
And I guess I have to be an adult about this. This is my chance to put myself out there, takes some risks and live life for real.